Sharenting Booklet
Use this button to make a report if you feel unsafe online. Tell someone you trust too.
Click here to get information about dealing with bullying from CBBC.
Common Sense Media Advice
Common Sense Media allow parents and young people to give their reviews of games that they have played. They have created a very useful video guide to Fortnite with footage of the gameplay involved.
Need to Talk?
Meet our Designated Teachers:
- Mrs A Donaghey (Principal)
- Mr N Gill (Designated Teacher)
- Ms R Doherty (Deputy Designated Teacher)
- Ms E Barber (Deputy Designated Teacher)
- Ms C Sargent (Deputy Designated Teacher)
If you need to talk to anyone, they are always there for you, along with the rest of our staff.
Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery, 19 Limavady Road, Derry~Londonderry, BT47 6JY
T: 028 7134 9644 | F: 028 7131 2945 | E:
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Oakgrove IPSN is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.