P.D.M.U. stands for Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
It is important that children’s social and emotional development prior to coming to school is recognised and built on during the early years. Children should continue to be encouraged to form relationships with adults and other children, and to develop their self-esteem and confidence.
Teachers should help children to become aware of the world beyond their immediate environment and to learn about others from a basis of tolerance, respect and open-mindedness. They should encourage them to understand similarities and respect differences in people in the local and wider community.
Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PD&MU) focuses on encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally and socially effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives and to become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
Rights and Responsibilities
1. We have the right to have an opinion. (Article 1 & 2 UNCRC)
We have responsibility to:
- To express our opinion in a respectful way.
- Listen to others and respect their views.
2. We have the right to a good education. (Article 29 & 13 UNCRC)
We have the responsibility:
- Make sure we do not prevent others from learning.
- To work hard to gain a good education.
- To follow the school rules.
3. We have the right to an organised, clean & safe environment. (Article 24 UNCRC)
We have the responsibility to:
- Put equipment away.
- Look after our own and others people’s property.
- Respect our surrounding.
- Put our litter in the bin.
4. We have the right to be safe & look after. (Article 36 UNCRC)
We have responsibility to:
- Look out for others & help them if needed.
- Respect other people and treat people how you would like to be treated yourself.
- Behave and act sensibly in school.
5. We all have the right to be treated fairly and appropriately. (Article 3, 23 & 14 UNCRC)
We have the responsibility to:
- Be kind and fair to others.
- Treat people equally.
6. We all have the right to enjoy school. (Article 31 UNCRC)
We have the responsibility to:
- Participate in school activities.
- Use our talents in a positive way.
- To encourage others to develop and use their talents.
- Respect adults that are around to help us.
As well as having the UNCRC we all have the responsibility to respect our school agreement.
Only a few years ago Oakgrove was the location for the filming of Sarah and the Whammi, a resource that can be found on the NI Curriculum Website and is based on the television drama series of the same name which was originally shown on Channel 4. Some of our children starred in the production and the children loved seeing the school on television. The
The activities support the delivery of Personal Development and Mutual Understanding at Key Stage 1. This television series can be accessed on the Learning NI website in their 'Video on Demand' service and the online resources can be accessed by clicking on the picture.
Rights Respecting Schools Documents
Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery, 19 Limavady Road, Derry~Londonderry, BT47 6JY
T: 028 7134 9644 | F: 028 7131 2945 | E: info@oips.lderry.ni.sch.uk
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