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Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School, Limavady

Welcome to Primary 3

A warm welcome to Primary 3 from Mrs O'Hagan, Ms Slattery and Mr Gill. We are delighted to welcome you all back to school after the long break. We have a busy year ahead of us.  We hope that you enjoy Primary 3.  There are some links below for Literacy, Numeracy and Topic to help you with your work.

P3 Remote Learning

Oxford Owl
Login with the
information your
teacher gave you.


The Wildlife Trust Activities
Things to do at Home



Flip Counter
ICT Games

Although we are inside we can still keep our bodies fit and healthy. Why not join in the fun and try out the links below. 

Jack Hartmann's Educational Videos
Super Fun Learning
Joe Wicks
PE with Joe Wicks


P3 Learning from Home


P3 Page Videos

Food Chain
20th Apr 2020
The Mixed-Up Chameleon Story
20th Apr 2020
How to Make Binoculars
20th Apr 2020
Rainbow Walking Water Experiment
8th Apr 2020

Looking at P3

Oxford Owl
Login with the
your teacher
gave you.

Please Use
Google Chrome

Audible Stories
Free Audible
Books for

Key Stage 1 News

12th Jun 2024
Wednesday 12th June was our annual Oakgrove IPSN Summer Fair.  The Fair is organised...
3rd Jun 2024
Our Whole School enjoyed a Zumbathon today!  It was held to raise funds for...
15th Mar 2024
Thank you to Mrs Laverty who lead a Ceili for the whole school today to celebrate...